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We're unable to verify the information submitted; please try again. If the issue persists, please ask your counselor to send another link.
For your security, this application is no longer valid. Please have your counselor send another link. We apologize for the inconvenience
The information provided doesn't match the application. Please try again (two attempts remaining).
The information provided doesn't match the application. Please try again (one attempt remaining).
There was an issue with loading this application; please try again. If the issue persists, please ask your counselor to send another link.
The Date of Birth and/or the SSN or National ID do not match what we currently have in our records for you. Click Continue to update our records and complete the authorization form, or click Close to review and make corrections
Congratulations! You have been approved for financing.
Unfortunately, you have not been approved for financing.

Joint Applicant

Authorization To Research Credit Please do not press your browser's back button; doing so will reset the entire application.

To get started, please provide the following information.

This is to verify your identity and help protect your personal data if the event link was intercepted.

These values will be provided to you by your counselor.
Sales Center
Presentation ID
Presentation Account ID
Sales Center is required
Presentation Id is required
Presentation Id has a maximum length of 12 characters
Presentation Id accepts numeric values only
Account Id is required
Account Id has a maximum length of 16 characters

Select a Sales Center

Please verify the accuracy of your name; make corrections where necessary.

Title (optional)
First Name
Middle Name (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
First Name is required
First Name has a maximum length of 40 characters
Middle Name has a maximum length of 20 characters
Last Name is required
Last Name has a maximum length of 60 characters
Select a Title (optional)
Select a Suffix (optional)
Save and Continue

Please verify the accuracy of your address; make corrections where necessary. Country Street Address Address 1 Address 2 (optional) Address 3 (optional) Postal Code City State County Provence Select a Country A Country selection is required Address is required This address field has a maximum length of 40 characters Postal Code has a maximum length of 20 characters City has a maximum length of 30 characters Postal Code is required City is required A Province selection is required A County selection is required A State selection is required Select a State Select a County Select a Province Save and Continue

Please verify/provide your date of birth and your Social Security/Tax Id; make corrections where necessary.

Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)
Social Security/Tax ID
Joint Applicant Birth Date
Joint Applicant SSN/Tax ID
Joint Applicant Signature
By my/our signature(s) below: I/we hereby authorize Diamond Resort Corporation and its affiliates to make whatever inquiries about me/us are deemed necessary or appropriate for purposes of evaluating my/our credit application(s), including contacting my/our employer(s), credit bureau(s), etc. If I/we are approved and enter into a purchase transaction with Diamond Resorts Corporation or its affiliates, then I/we also authorize Diamond Resorts Corporation and its affiliates to review my/our credit report from time to time and/or at regular intervals for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, reporting my/our credit score to me/us, performing internal analytics, and offering other Diamond Resorts products and services to me/us. Any inquiry about this statement may be addressed in writing to Customer Service, Diamond Resorts Financial Services, Inc., 10600 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89135.
By my/our signature(s) below: I/we hereby authorize Diamond Resort Corporation and its affiliates to make whatever inquiries about me/us are deemed necessary or appropriate for purposes of evaluating my/our credit application(s), including contacting my/our employer(s), credit bureau(s), etc. If I/we are approved and enter into a purchase transaction with Diamond Resorts Corporation or its affiliates, then I/we also authorize Diamond Resorts Corporation and its affiliates to review my/our credit report from time to time and/or at regular intervals for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, reporting my/our credit score to me/us, performing internal analytics, and offering other Diamond Resorts products and services to me/us. Any inquiry about this statement may be addressed in writing to Customer Service, Diamond Resorts Financial Services, Inc., 10600 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89135.
Date Of Birth is required
SSN/Tax ID is required
SSN/Tax ID has a maximum length of 20 characters
Your signature is required
Agree to terms required

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