每个度假村目的地的专业团队成员付出的每一份努力,都是为了满足客人对每一次度假的要 求,请选择下方的“更多信息”一栏,花一点时间阐明您可能存有的任何特殊要求。如果您此时并无任何要求可供传达,请选择“下一步”继续.
我们的目标是在客人到达前尽一切努力满足客人的住宿需求,并且我们非常感谢您能提供相关信息,以帮助我们的员工为您提供您需求或要求的客房,让您在我们的度假村宾至如归。我们将尽一切努力尊重您的隐私,并且我们希望您在前台接待处登记入住前提供此信息,以便让我们的员工安排好客房。请勾选下列任何适用选项 ]]>
Special Notice:
As the resort you have selected is not managed directly by Diamond Resorts, we request that you contact us at 0845.3590009 to
review with us how we can best secure the accommodation that meets your needs.
Tell us about your specific disability and/or access requirements
It's really important that you let us know about your disability and/or access requirements in this section. We will do our very best to meet these requests wherever possible. Please note: If you wait until check-in to tell us about your needs it's highly unlikely those requests will be fulfilled.
Alternatively, please call Accessibility Assistance on +44 (0)345 359 0009 or email Access.Requirements@hgv.com.