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Total Cost
How would you like to pay for this reservation? (You will receive a 10% rebate off all purchases made with your Barclaycard for your Diamond Flexibility option. This will be processed in the form of a check within 30 days of the purchase.)
Number of Points

Use my membership points
Number of Membership Points to Use
Available Points to Use
Choose which points you wish to use:
Points Bucket
Points Expiration Date

Save from {0} Use Year
Number of Points to Save
Available of Points to Save
Total Number of Points to Save for this Reservation
Maximum Available Points to Save
You have {0} additional points that could be saved towards this stay.
Save Points Sub-Total:
Use Term

Borrow from {0} Use Year
Number of Points to Borrow
Available Points to Borrow
You may borrow up to {0} points

Rent Points
Number of Points to Rent
This option is subject to a {0} processing fee

Total Reservation Point Cost:
Total Points to Apply
Total Points to Apply:

Click Refresh
Click the Refresh button to get the updated cost.

Please confirm. The following highlighted items have changed in your selected payment options:
Borrowing points cost has changed.
Renting points cost has changed.
Renting points processing fee has changed.

Please correct the following errors:
{0} must be a whole number with up to 12 digits only.
{0} must be equal to {1}.
{0} cannot exceed {1}.
The balance of points remaining to complete this reservation must be 0. Please check your selections.
Membership points options were changed. Please check your selections.
Save points options were changed. Please check your selections.
Borrowing points is not available.
Renting points is not available.

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