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{0} Days left to save 100% of your points!

Your {1} Point balance is {2} points
Currently you are able to save up to {3} to be utilized in {4}.

How many points do you wish to save?


Club Members may now save their points online. The amount eligible to save points is not based on your current balance but on the number of points allotted annually, which are unused in the current year. Any points not used by December 31st of any given year automatically expire. If you do not intend on using your poitns for travel before December 31st you should save your points forward to be used the following year. There is no limit to number of savings transactions you can make during the year as long as the request is made within the timeframe and criteria detailed below.


Save Period 1
Save Period 2
Save Period 3
January 1 to June 30
July 1 to August 31
September 1 to October 31
(Current Period)
Point Balance | {0}
Save Points
Save Maximum Points

You may save up to 100% of your annual points allocation.

You may save 50% of your annual points allocation.

*Total points saved from January to June cannot exceed 100% of annual points allocation.

You may save up to 25% of your annual points allocation.

*Total points saved from January to June cannot exceed 100% of annual points allocation.

**Total points saved from July to October cannot exceed 50% of annual points allocation.

Points cannot be saved after October 31st until the new year.

Based on your point allocation, you can currently save a maximum of {0} points for next year.

You've reached your max saved points.

You have passed the saving period.

You saved your points successfully.
Confirmation Number : {0}

Number of points saved : {1}
Today's Date : {2}

You are not able to save more than the maximum allowed points, which is {0}

Purchase Points

Increase your vacation ownership value and flexibility with a higher allocation of points.
Now your travel dreams to stay more places at more times of the year in the accommodations you desire
are easier than ever to obtain.


Please enter the number of points you are considering purchasing and reconfirm your contact information.

Please note: A member of our team will be in touch after you submit this enquiry. This does not commit you to purchase.

Unable to proceed. Please review the items below.
Thank you for your interest. A member of our sales team will contact you shortly to discuss enhancing your ownership.
Value must be at least 2000
First Name:
Last Name:
Day Time Phone Number:
Best Time to Contact:
Number of points you are considering purchasing:
Number of Points Requested: {0}

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